Fair: <a href="/fair/projects/list/801" title="Display list of all fair projects">2022 Mercer Science and Engineering Fair</a>
Event: Senior Division 2022
Event: Senior Division 2022
Table Project Display Board
COMP1 RARE: Machine Learning Approach for Binning Rare Variant Features to Detect Association with Disease
Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, First Place, Grand Prize
COMP2 DeepLPI: a novel deep learning-based model for protein-ligand interaction prediction for drug repurposing Bomin_Wei_QuadChart.jpg
COMP3 Seeing More Clearly: A Video Stabilizer using CNN with Speeded-up Robust features Quad Chart.jpg
COMP4 Auto Attendance: A Mobile App for Automatic Attendance Taking and Rapid Contact Tracing
Awards: Third Place
Amy Lin - Auto Attendance Quad Chart.jpg
COMP5 Study on the Denoising of Sounds and Images Capture.PNG
COMP6 Training Neural Networks with a Genetic Algorithm for Obstacle Avoidance in Simulated Autonomous Drones
Awards: Naval Science Award, Second Place
COMP7 High Accuracy Seasonal Hurricane Intensity Prediction Using Outgoing Longwave Radiation Maps
Awards: NASA Earth System Science Award, NOAA's "Taking the Pulse of the Planet" Award, RICOH Sustainable Development Award, Second Place
Antonia Comaniciu - Quad Chart Science Fair 2022.jpg
COMP8 Analysis of semantics and early linguistic symptoms to develop machine learning predictive modeling of Alzheimer's Disease
Awards: Honorable Mention
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COMP9 Design and review on applying the neural network to the abandoned bike report system CC715738-EFF9-43D5-82BC-12B5666CCD54.jpeg